Oct 3, 2025


The Henderson Foundation’s grants provide support for projects focused on the enhancement of the appearance and preservation of outdoor elements in the city of Boston.


2Life Communities

Organization Address: 30 Wallingford Road, Brighton, MA 02135

Grant: $30,000

Project Type: Outdoor

Description: The musical instruments and birdhouses and their installation in the Community Gathering Plaza on the Brighton campus

Neighborhood: Brighton

Boston Green Academy Foundation, Inc.

Organization Address: 20 Warren Street, Boston, MA 02135

Grant: $50,000

Project Type: Outdoor

Description: A teaching deck for the outdoor classroom and community garden

Neighborhood: Brighton

Chinese Economic Development Council, Inc.

Organization Address: 78 Tyler Street, Boston, MA 02111

Grant: $40,000

Project Type: Building Restoration

Description: Preservation and restoration of 78 Tyler Street, including the building façade and unique ornamental features

Neighborhood: Chinatown

Church of St. Augustine and St. Martin

Organization Address: 31 Lenox Street, Boston, MA 02118

Grant: $40,000

Project Type: Window Restoration

Description: Restoration of the original 1910 stained glass windows in the historic sanctuary

Neighborhood: Roxbury

Eliot Congregational Church

Organization Address: 56 Dale Street, Roxbury, MA 02119

Grant: $40,000

Project Type: Building Restoration

Description: Rsestoration of all wood window surfaces

Neighborhood: Roxbury

Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts

Organization Address: 29-31 Lenox Street, Boston, MA 02118

Grant: $24,000

Project Type: Window Restoration

Description: Restoration of stained glass at St. Luke’s Chapel, Roxbury, part of St. James-St. John parish

Neighborhood: Roxbury

Fenway Civic Association

Organization Address: Westland Ave. and Hemenway Street, Boston, MA 02115

Grant: $27,500

Project Type: Building Restoration

Description: Repair of the Johnson Memorial Gates

Neighborhood: Fenway

Friends of Memorial Hall

Organization Address: 14 Green Street, Charlestown, MA 02129

Grant: $30,000

Project Type: Building Restoration

Description: Restoration of the Memorial Hall Cupola, specifically for repair, fabrication, and installation elements

Neighborhood: Charlestown

Greenwood Memorial United Methodist Church

Organization Address: 378a - 380 Washington Street, Dorchester, MA 02124

Grant: $40,000

Project Type: Window Restoration

Description: Stained glass window restoration project

Neighborhood: Dorchester

Nuestra Comunidad Development Corporation

Organization Address: Washington Street and Bartlett Station Drive, Roxbury, MA 02118

Grant: $40,000

Project Type: Outdoor

Description: Oasis @ Bartlett Urban Grove project, specifically the hard costs for permanent terracing and urban grove plantings

Neighborhood: Roxbury

Old North Foundation of Boston, Inc.

Organization Address: 193 Salem Street, Boston, MA 02113

Grant: $22,000

Project Type: Building Restoration

Description: Clough House Masonry Repair

Neighborhood: North End

Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church

Organization Address: 22 Paris Street, East Boston, MA 02128

Grant: $26,000

Project Type: Building Restoration

Description: Restoration of Historical Façade

Neighborhood: East Boston

Ruggles Street Baptist Church

Organization Address: 894 Beacon Street, Boston, MA 02215

Grant: $40,000

Project Type: Window Restoration

Description: Sanctuary Window Restoration

Neighborhood: Fenway

Substation Community Supporters, Inc.

Organization Address: 4228 Washington Street, Roslindale, MA 02131

Grant: $14,640

Project Type: Public Art

Description: Switchgear Sculpture

Neighborhood: Roslindale

Vilna Shul Boston Center for Jewish Culture, Inc.

Organization Address: 18 Phillips Street, Boston, MA 02114

Grant: $25,000

Project Type: Outdoor

Description: Restoration and repair of Front Plaza at The Vilna Shul

Neighborhood: West End



Boston Public Housing Corporation

Organization Address: 52 Chauncy Street, #8, Boston, MA 02111

Grant: $40,000

Project Type: Outdoor

Description: Construction of a public park in the Plaza at Orient Heights park; specifically for plaza furniture, planters, plants, and crushed stone

Neighborhood: East Boston

Deutsches Altenheim, Inc.

Organization Address: 2222 Centre Street, West Roxbury, MA 02132

Grant: $18,840

Project Type: Open Space

Description: Renovation of Deutsches Altenheim's Front Lawn

Neighborhood: West Roxbury

Dorchester Gardenlands Preserve and Development Corporation

Organization Address: 2 Marlowe Street, Dorchester Center, MA 02124-1320

Grant: $18,796

Project Type: Open Space

Description: The Claybourne Street Community Garden Improvement & Beautification Project

Neighborhood: Dorchester

First Baptist Church in Dorchester

Organization Address: 401 Ashmont Street, Dorchester, MA 02124

Grant: $50,000

Project Type: Window restoration - Church

Description: Phase III of the Stained Glass Window Restoration

Neighborhood: Dorchester

First Congregational Society of Jamaica Plain

Organization Address: 6 Eliot Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130

Grant: $64,000

Project Type: Building restoration

Description: First Church in Jamaica Plain Tower Clock Face Restoration

Neighborhood: Jamaica Plain

Friends of Memorial Hall

Organization Address: 14 Green Street, Charlestown, MA 02129

Grant: $7,893

Project Type: Outdoor

Description: Memorial Hall Cupola restoration, specifically for repair, fabrication, and installation elements

Neighborhood: Charlestown

Greenwood Memorial United Methodist Church

Organization Address: 378a-380 Washington Street, Dorchester, MA 02124

Grant: $28,000

Project Type: Window restoration - Church

Description: Stained Glass Window Restoration Project, specifically for part of Phase II of the Church Campus Exterior Preservation Project

Neighborhood: Dorchester

Mather Elementary School

Fiscal Agent: Sponsor, Inc. (aka Mission Earth)

Project Address: 1 Parish Street Dorchester, MA 02122

Grant: $5,950

Project Type: Outdoor

Description: Fabrication and installation of benches in the Mather School Green Space

Neighborhood: Dorchester

National Center of Afro American Artists, Inc.

Organization Address: 300 Walnut Avenue, Roxbury, MA 02119

Grant: $50,000

Project Type: Building restoration

Description: Restoration of the exterior masonry of Abbotsford Mansion

Neighborhood: Roxbury

Nuestra Comunidad Development Corporation

Organization Address: PO Box 190939, Roxbury, MA 02119

Grant: $28,211

Project Type: Outdoor

Description: The Oasis @ Bartlett Urban Grove Project, specifically the hard costs for permanent terracing and urban grove plantings

Neighborhood: Roxbury

Pleasant Hill Baptist Church

Organization Address: 155 Humboldt Avenue, Dorchester, MA 02121

Grant: $50,000

Project Type: Building restoration - Church

Description: Restoration of the stained glass windows and the front entrance stairway, as part of the Pleasant Hill Baptist Restoration Project

Neighborhood: Dorchester

Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway Conservancy, Inc.

Organization Address: 185 Kneeland Street, 2nd Floor, Boston, MA 02111

Grant: $54,000

Project Type: Outdoor

Description: Purchase and installation of light fixtures as part of the Chinatown Park Serpentine Path Lighting Project

Neighborhood: Downtown Boston

United Neighbors of Lower Roxbury, Inc.

Organization Address: 34 Fayston Street, Apt. 2, Dorchester, MA 02121

Grant: $7,500

Project Type: Mini Grants

Description: The purchase and installation of a gazebo in Frederick Douglass Peace Park

Neighborhood: Roxbury



Boston City Lights Foundation

Organization Address: 1154 Washington Street, Boston, MA 02118

Grant: $305.87

Project Type: Building restoration

Description: Second entryway for City Lights

Neighborhood: South End

Church of the Covenant

Organization Address: 67 Newbury Street, Boston, MA 02116

Grant: $40,000

Project Type: Window restoration

Description: The restoration and preservation of the Tiffany ornamental clerestory windows on the second level of the Church sanctuary

Neighborhood: Back Bay/Beacon Hill

Codman Square Health Center, Inc.

Organization Address: 637 Washington Street, Dorchester, MA 02124

Grant: $40,000

Project Type: Building restoration

Description: Restoration of the Great Hall cupola

Neighborhood: Dorchester

Deutsches Altenheim, Inc.

Organization Address: 2222 Centre Street, West Roxbury, MA 02132

Grant: $8,160

Project Type: Open Space

Description: Renovation of Deutsches Altenheim’s Front Lawn

Neighborhood: West Roxbury

Dorchester Gardenlands Preserve and Development Corporation

Organization Address: 2 Marlowe Street, Dorchester Center, MA 02124-1320

Grant: $17,400

Project Type: Open Space

Description: The Claybourne Street Community Garden Improvement & Beautification Project

Neighborhood: Dorchester

Dorchester Gardenlands Preserve and Development Corporation

Organization Address: 2 Marlowe Street, Dorchester Center, MA 02124-1320

Grant: $4,253.15

Project Type: Outdoor

Description: The Claybourne Street Community Garden site upgrades, specifically for the raised beds, bench, little free library, and signage

Neighborhood: Dorchester

Dudley Neighbors, Inc.

Organization Address: 550 Dudley Street, Roxbury, MA 02119

Grant: $40,000

Project Type: Open Space

Description: Magnolia Street Community Garden

Neighborhood: Dorchester

First Congregational Society of Jamaica Plain

Organization Address: 6 Eliot Street, Boston, MA 02130

Grant: $27,000

Project Type: Building restoration - Church

Description: Restoration of the clock face on the Eliot Street tower façade

Neighborhood: Jamaica Plain

Historic Boston Incorporated

Organization Address: 50 Cedar Street, Boston, MA 02119

Grant: $75,000

Project Type: Building restoration

Description: Restoration of the roof and chimneys at the St. James African Orthodox Church

Neighborhood: Roxbury

League of Women for Community Service

Organization Address: 558 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston, MA 02118

Grant: $43,000

Project Type: Building restoration

Description: For the historically accurate roof repair and restoration of the mansard portion of the League’s building at 558 Massachusetts Avenue

Neighborhood: South End

Second Church in Dorchester-A Church of the Nazarene

Organization Address: 44 Moultrie Street, Dorchester, MA 02124

Grant: $40,000

Project Type: Building restoration

Description: The Steeple Restoration Project, with the priority for the restoration of the weathervane

Neighborhood: Dorchester

Sponsor, Inc. (aka Mission.Earth)

Organization Address: 1 Parish St, Dorchester, MA 02122

Grant: $34,050

Project Type: Outdoor

Description: For the benefit of the Mather Elementary School Green Space Public Art

Neighborhood: Roxbury

St. Cyprian’s Episcopal Church

Organization Address: 1073 Tremont St, Roxbury, MA 02120

Grant: $35,000

Project Type: Window restoration

Description: Stained glass window restoration

Neighborhood: Roxbury

St. John’s Episcopal Church

Organization Address: 1 Roanoke Ave, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130

Grant: $39,000

Project Type: Building restoration

Description: Tower Preservation Project

Neighborhood: Jamaica Plain

WBL Artist Collective, Inc.

Fiscal Agent: DotArt

Organization Address: 1220 Adams Street, Dorchester, MA 02124

Grant: $10,000

Project Type: Monument restoration

Description: To remove, renovate, restore, replace, and relight the “Walter Baker” sign atop the 100-year-old Administration Building of the former Walter Baker chocolate factory complex in Dorchester Lower Mills

Neighborhood: Dorchester

Workhub Boston LLC

Fiscal Agent: Historic Boston Incorporated

Organization Address: 4228 Washington St, Boston, MA 02131

Grant: $24,850

Project Type: Public Art

Description: “Radicant moments” durational drawing installation and artistic bar enhancement at Roslindale Substation

Neighborhood: Roslindale



Artists For Humanity, Inc.

Organization Address: 100 W 2nd Street, South Boston, MA 02127

Grant: $39,601

Project Type: Building restoration

Description: Two sets of ornamental awnings on the EpiCenter building

Neighborhood: South Boston

Artists For Humanity, Inc.

Organization Address: 100 W 2nd Street, South Boston, MA 02127

Grant: $7,000

Project Type: Mini-grants

Description: EpiCenter sidewalk mural

Neighborhood: South Boston

Boston City Lights Foundation

Organization Address: 1154 Washington Street, Boston, MA 02118

Grant: $4,638

Project Type: Building restoration

Description: City Light second entryway

Neighborhood: South End

First Baptist Church in Dorchester

Organization Address: 401 Ashmont Street, Dorchester, MA 02124

Grant: $40,000

Project Type: Window restoration, church

Description: Restoration of the stained glass window at the front of the church facing Ashmont Street and two other stained glass windows facing the street

Neighborhood: Dorchester

Footlight Club

Organization Address: 7A Eliot Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130

Grant: $50,000

Project Type: Building restoration

Description: Exterior historical elements in the Eliot Hall accessibility project

Neighborhood: Jamaica Plain

Haley House, Inc.

Organization Address: 23 Dartmouth Street, Boston, MA 02116

Grant: $40,000

Project Type: Building restoration

Description: Repair and restoration of the front steps of 23 Dartmouth Street

Neighborhood: South End

Huntington Theatre Company, Inc.

Organization Address: 264 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02115

Grant: $30,000

Project Type: Building restoration

Description: Hard costs for the restoration of historic doors and windows

Neighborhood: Fenway

National Center of Afro American Artists Inc.

Organization Address: 300 Walnut Avenue, Roxbury, MA 02119

Grant: $40,000

Project Type: Building restoration

Description: Roof replacement of the Abbotsford Mansion

Neighborhood: Roxbury

Old North Foundation of Boston, Inc.

Organization Address: 193 Salem Street, Boston, MA 02113

Grant: $38,700

Project Type: Building restoration

Description: The Chapel window restoration

Neighborhood: North End

Southwest Corridor Park Conservancy

Organization Address: PO Box 171553, Boston, MA 02117

Grant: $20,000

Project Type: Outdoor

Description: Restoration of the Durham Street Garden Oval, including removal, grading, and planting

Neighborhood: Back Bay/Beacon Hill

St. Luke’s Chapel

Organization Address: 149 Roxbury Street, Roxbury, MA 02119

Grant: $40,000

Project Type: Building restoration

Description: The repair and restoration of the Lydia Lyman Paine window and its wooden frame and for smaller repairs to the remaining windows in the St. Luke chapel

Neighborhood: Roxbury

The Fund for Parks and Recreation in Boston

Organization Address: 1010 Massachusetts Avenue, Third Floor Boston, MA 02118

Grant: $40,000

Project Type: Monument restoration

Description: For the benefit of the Historic Burying Grounds Initiative for Grave Marker Conservation at Eliot Burying Ground

Neighborhood: Dorchester



Dorchester Bay Economic Development Corporation

Organization Address: 594 Columbia Road, Ste. 302, Dorchester, MA 02125

Grant: $40,000

Project Type: Building restoration

Description: Restoration and modernization of the Pierce Building

Neighborhood: Dorchester

First Baptist Church in Dorchester

Organization Address: 401 Ashmont Street, Dorchester, MA 02124

Grant: $40,000

Project Type: Window restoration

Description: Phase one of the stained glass window preservation

Neighborhood: Dorchester

Foundation for the Preservation of 20 Arlington Street, Inc.

Organization Address: Arlington Street Church, 20 Arlington Street, Boston, MA, 02116

Grant: $40,000

Project Type: Outdoor

Description: Landscaping and signage for Arlington Street Church

Neighborhood: Back Bay/Beacon Hill

Loring-Greenough House

Organization Address: 12 South Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130

Grant: $26,340

Project Type: Outdoor

Description: Garden preservation and border planting restoration

Neighborhood: Jamaica Plain

National Center of Afro American Artists, Inc.

Organization Address: 300 Walnut Avenue, Roxbury, MA 02119

Grant: $60,000

Project Type: Building restoration

Description: Exterior roof replacement project at the Abbotsford Mansion

Neighborhood: Roxbury

Old West Church

Organization Address: 131 Cambridge Street, Boston, MA 02114

Grant: $40,000

Project Type: Window restoration

Description: Restoration of Old West Church West Side windows

Neighborhood: West End

Old West Church

Organization Address: 131 Cambridge Street, Boston MA, 02114

Grant: $37,000

Project Type: Window restoration

Description: Restoration of windows on the south elevation façade of the Old West Church

Neighborhood: West End

Paige Academy

Organization Address: 26/28 Highland Avenue, Roxbury, MA 02119

Grant: $40,000

Project Type: Outdoor

Description: Construction of the John Eliot Square Urban Wild walking path

Neighborhood: Roxbury

The Shirley-Eustis House

Organization Address: 33 Shirley Street, Boston, MA 02119

Grant: $30,000

Project Type: Building restoration

Description: The Ingersoll-Gardner Carriage House roof replacement

Neighborhood: Roxbury

Unitarian Universalist Urban Ministry

Organization Address: 10 Putnam Street, Roxbury, MA 02119

Grant: $30,000

Project Type: Building restoration

Description: First Church Roxbury iron gate restoration

Neighborhood: Roxbury



The Bostonian Society

Organization Address: 206 Washington Street, Boston, MA 02109

Grant: $44,878

Project Type: Building Restoration

Description: Restoration of the Old State House West Entrance

Neighborhood: Back Bay/Beacon Hill

Eliot Congregational Church

Organization Address: 56 Dale Street, Roxbury, MA 02119-2774

Grant: $40,000

Project Type: Building Restoration

Description: Restoration of stone steps at main entrance

Neighborhood: Roxbury

First Baptist Church of Boston

Organization Address: 110 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02116

Grant: $50,000

Project Type: Building Restoration

Description: Restoration of the sculpted frieze on the tower

Neighborhood: Back Bay/Beacon Hill

Friends Group of Egleston Square Branch Library

Organization Address: 2044 Columbus Ave, Roxbury, MA 02119

Grant: $7,193.39

Project Type: Outdoor

Description: Furnishings for the Egleston Square Branch Library Front Yard Landscaping Project

Neighborhood: Roxbury

Greater Boston Legal Services

Organization Address: 197 Friend Street, Boston, MA 02114

Grant: $40,000

Project Type: Building Restoration

Description: Façade restoration of 197 Friend Street

Neighborhood: Downtown Boston

Historic New England

Organization Address: 141 Cambridge Street, Boston, MA 02114

Grant: $40,000

Project Type: Building Restoration

Description: Preservation of the front façade of the (First) Harrison Gray Otis House

Neighborhood: West End

JCAM Charitable Foundation

Organization Address: 189 Wells Avenue, 3rd Floor, Newton Centre, MA 02459

Grant: $2,900

Project Type: Building Restoration

Description: Restoration and transformation of the Ohabei Shalom Chapel

Neighborhood: East Boston

North Bennet Street School

Organization Address: 150 North Street, Boston, MA 02109

Grant: $40,000

Project Type: Building Restoration

Description: Façade masonry repair at the corner of North and Richmond streets

Neighborhood: North End

Old West Church

Organization Address: 131 Cambridge Street, Boston, MA 02114

Grant: $63,000

Project Type: Window Restoration

Description: Restoration of church windows

Neighborhood: West End

Roslindale Village Main Street

Organization Address: 4236 A Washington Street, Roslindale, MA 02131

Grant: $30,000

Project Type: Building Restoration

Description: Installation of front glass curtain wall and repointing of exterior brickwork on the Roslindale Substation

Neighborhood: Roslindale



Boston Parks and Recreation Department

Organization Address: 1010 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston, MA 02118

Grant: $27,000

Project Type: Monument Restoration

Description: Restoration of structural elements in Union Cemetery and Hawes Burying Ground

Neighborhood: South Boston

Charlestown Preservation Society

Organization Address: PO Box 290201, Charlestown, MA 02129

Grant: $8,000

Project Type: Building Restoration

Description: Permanent flagpoles on the façade of the Boston Fire Department’s Engine 50

Neighborhood: Charlestown

Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association of New England

Organization Address: 90 Tyler Street, Boston, MA 02111-1811

Grant: $40,000

Project Type: Outdoor

Description: Installation of interpretive wayfinding signs for the Boston Chinatown Immigrant Heritage Visitor Center

Neighborhood: Chinatown

Church of the Covenant

Organization Address: 67 Newbury Street, Boston, MA 02116

Grant: $40,000

Project Type: Window Restoration

Description: Restoration of the “Cornelius and the Angel” Tiffany-designed glass window

Neighborhood: Back Bay/Beacon Hill

Foundation for the Preservation of 20 Arlington Street Inc.

Organization Address: 351 Bolyston Street, Boston, MA 02116

Grant: $28,000

Project Type: Window Restoration

Description: Installation of lighting on Tiffany windows

Neighborhood: Back Bay/Beacon Hill

Friends Group of Egleston Square Branch Library

Organization Address: 2044 Columbus Ave, Roxbury, MA 02119

Grant: $12,806.61

Project Type: Outdoor

Description: Furnishings for the Egleston Square Branch Library Front Yard Landscaping Project

Neighborhood: Roxbury

Friends of Fenway Studios

Organization Address: 30 Ipswich Street #110, Boston, MA 02115

Grant: $34,000

Project Type: Window Restoration

Description: Historic window and masonry restoration

Neighborhood: Fenway

Friends of Memorial Hall

Organization Address: 22 Perkins Street, Arlington, MA 02476

Grant: $25,000

Project Type: Building Restoration

Description: Phase II of the Abraham Lincoln Post 11 Memorial Hall restoration and renovation project

Neighborhood: Charlestown

Historic New England

Organization Address: 141 Cambridge Street, Boston, MA 02114

Grant: $40,000

Project Type: Building Restoration

Description: Preservation of the front facade of the (First) Harrison Gray Otis House

Neighborhood: West End

JCAM Charitable Foundation

Organization Address: 189 Wells Avenue, 3rd Floor, Newton Centre, MA 02459

Grant: $36,900

Project Type: Building Restoration

Description: Restoration and transformation of the Ohabei Shalom Chapel

Neighborhood: East Boston

St. Mary’s Episcopal Church

Organization Address: 14 Cushing Avenue, Dorchester, MA 02125

Grant: $40,000

Project Type: Window Restoration

Description: Restoration of the lattice diamond windows in the sanctuary

Neighborhood: Dorchester

West End House

Organization Address: 105 Allston Street, Allston, MA 02134

Grant: $40,000

Project Type: Outdoor

Description: Ringer Park Tribute project

Neighborhood: Allston



Campaign for the Ayer Mansion, Inc.

Organization Address: 395 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02215

Grant: $30,000

Project Type: Window Restoration

Description: Restoration of the Tiffany Entryway Mosaics

Neighborhood: Back Bay/Beacon Hill

Dorchester Historical Society

Organization Address: 195 Boston Street, Dorchester, MA 02125

Grant: $43,500

Project Type: Building Restoration

Description: Lemuel Clap House exterior restoration

Neighborhood: Dorchester

Episcopal Church of the Holy Spirit

Organization Address: 525 River Street, Mattapan, MA 02126

Grant: $41,700

Project Type: Window Restoration

Description: Restoration of stained glass windows

Neighborhood: Mattapan

The Esplanade Association

Organization Address: 376 Boylston Street, Suite 503, Boston, MA 02116

Grant: $25,000

Project Type: Outdoor

Description: Esplanade Wayfinding: redesign of signage

Neighborhood: Back Bay/Beacon Hill

The Footlight Club

Organization Address: 7A Eliot Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130

Grant: $2,500

Project Type: Building Restoration

Description: Bulkhead replacement at Eliot Hall

Neighborhood: Jamaica Plain

Friends of Memorial Hall

Organization Address: 22 Perkins Street, Arlington, MA 02476

Grant: $40,000

Project Type: Building Restoration

Description: Phase 1 of the Abraham Lincoln Post 11 Memorial Hall Restoration and Renovation Project

Neighborhood: Charlestown

Haley House

Organization Address: 23 Dartmouth Street, Boston, MA 02116

Grant: $40,000

Project Type: Building Restoration

Description: Exterior repairs to 23 Dartmouth Street

Neighborhood: South End

Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation

Organization Address: 31 Germania Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130

Grant: $20,000

Project Type: Building Restoration

Description: Restoration of the Haffenreffer Brewers smokestack

Neighborhood: Jamaica Plain

New England Center and Home for Veterans

Organization Address: 17 Court Street, Boston, MA 02108

Grant: $40,000

Project Type: Building Restoration

Description: Restoration of the exterior canopy at 17 Court Street

Neighborhood: Downtown Boston

Park Street Church

Organization Address: One Park Street, Boston, MA 02108

Grant: $40,000

Project Type: Building Restoration

Description: Restoration of the Park Street Church steeple

Neighborhood: Downtown Boston

Rosie’s Place

Organization Address: 889 Harrison Avenue, Boston, MA 02118

Grant: $40,000

Project Type: Public Art

Description: The Kip Tiernan Memorial, a permanent commemorative installation at Dartmouth and Newbury streets

Neighborhood: Back Bay/Beacon Hill



Nonquit Street Land Trust, Inc.

Organization Address: 21 Nonquit Street, Dorchester, MA 02125

Grant: $3,792

Project Type: Outdoor Space

Description: Refurbishment of the steel fence at Nonquit Street Green

Neighborhood: Dorchester

Nichols House Museum

Organization Address: 55 Mount Vernon Street, Boston, MA 02108

Grant: $30,000

Project Type: Preservation

Description: The Portico Preservation Project, to preserve the historic wooden structure, stabilize the foundation, and solve poor water drainage

Neighborhood: Back Bay/Beacon Hill

Historic Boston Incorporated

Organization Address: 20 Eustis Street, Boston, MA 02109

Grant: $40,000

Project Type: Preservation

Description: Landscape improvements to public areas, and exterior building restoration at the Fowler Clark Epstein Farm in Mattapan to support an Urban Farming Training Center (487 Norfolk Street, Mattapan)

Neighborhood: Mattapan

Historic Boston Incorporated

Organization Address: 20 Eustis Street, Boston, MA 02109

Grant: $30,000

Project Type: Outdoor Space

Description: Costs related to enhancements to the Fowler Clark Epstein Farm’s landscape features, farming operations, and public spaces.

Neighborhood: Mattapan

Dorchester Historical Society

Organization Address: 195 Boston Street, Dorchester, MA 02124

Grant: $40,000

Project Type: Preservation

Description: Repair of the 1870s front entry porch and the original shutters of the 1806 William Clapp House

Neighborhood: Dorchester

Church of the Covenant

Organization Address: 67 Newbury Street, Boston, MA 02116

Grant: $40,000

Project Type: Outdoor Space

Description: Repairs to areas of water penetration and erosion

Neighborhood: Back Bay/Beacon Hill

Church of the Covenant

Organization Address: 67 Newbury Street, Boston, MA 02116

Grant: $30,000

Project Type: Preservation

Description: The repair and restoration of the Newbury Street tower doors, 67 Newbury Street entrance doors, and replacement of stone columns and associated masonry work at the 67 Newbury Street entrance

Neighborhood: Back Bay/Beacon Hill



JCAM Charitable Foundation

Organization Address: 189 Wells Avenue, 3rd Floor, Newton, MA 02459

Grant: $40,000

Project Type: Preservation

Description: Exterior preservation and repairs at the historic Ohabei Shalom Chapel to create the East Boston Immigration Center

Neighborhood: East Boston

Historic Boston Incorporated

Organization Address: 20 Eustis Street, Boston, MA 02109

Grant: $40,000

Project Type: Preservation

Description: Restoration of the exterior of the Fowler Clark Epstein Farm barn in Mattapan

Neighborhood: Mattapan

Friends of Symphony Park

Organization Address: Fenway Civic Association, PO Box 230435, Boston, MA 02123

Grant: $20,000

Project Type: Public Art

Description: Fabrication and installation of a musically-themed sculpture in Symphony Community Park

Neighborhood: Fenway

The Esplanade Association

Organization Address: 376 Boylston Street, Suite 503, Boston, MA 02116

Grant: $25,000

Project Type: Preservation

Description: The Lotta Fountain restoration project

Neighborhood: Esplanade

Citi Performing Arts Center Inc.

Organization Address: 270 Tremont Street, Boston, MA 02116

Grant: $40,000

Project Type: Restoration

Description: Restoration of the doors and entryway to the Wang Theatre

Neighborhood: Downtown Boston

Church of the Covenant

Organization Address: 67 Newbury Street, Boston, MA 02116

Grant: $5,707

Project Type: Preservation

Description: Restoration of the exterior church doors on Berkeley Street

Neighborhood: Back Bay/Beacon Hill

American Meteorological Society

Organization Address: 45 Beacon Street, Boston, MA 02108

Grant: $30,000

Project Type: Building restoration

Description: Restoration and conservation of the front entrance, iron balconies, windows, and lintels of the Third Harrison Gray Otis House at 45 Beacon Street

Neighborhood: Back Bay/Beacon Hill



The Vilna Shul

Organization Address: 18 Phillips Street, Boston, MA 02114

Grant: $40,000

Project Type: Restoration

Description: Restoration of the wrought iron fence and gates that define the front of the building and property

Neighborhood: Back Bay/Beacon Hill

Boston Parks & Recreation Department

Organization Address: 1010 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston, MA 02118

Grant: $40,000

Project Type: Restoration

Description: The Historic Burying Grounds Initiative, specifically to restore the fence, wall, and entrance to the Granary Burying Ground

Neighborhood: Downtown Boston

Arlington Street Church

Organization Address: 351 Boylston Street, Boston, MA 02116

Grant: $40,000

Project Type: Preservation

Description: The restoration of all the Tiffany windows

Neighborhood: Back Bay



The Ashmont Parish of All Saints

Organization Address: 209 Ashmont Street, Dorchester, MA 02124

Grant: $20,000

Project Type: Restoration

Description: An outright grant for seed capital for the restoration of the Great Tower Window

Neighborhood: Dorchester

Nichols House Museum

Organization Address: 55 Mount Vernon Street, Boston, MA 02108

Grant: $30,000

Project Type: Restoration

Description: Restoration of the window sashes and window sills on the first through fourth floors of the museum

Neighborhood: Back Bay/Beacon Hill

National Center of Afro-American Artists

Organization Address: 300 Walnut Avenue, Roxbury, MA 02119

Grant: $20,000

Project Type: Restoration

Description: Restoration of the chimney at the Abbotsford Mansion

Neighborhood: Roxbury

Historic New England

Organization Address: 141 Cambridge Street, Boston, MA 02114

Grant: $35,000

Project Type: Outdoor Space

Description: Preservation of the retaining wall at the Harrison Gray Otis House

Neighborhood: Back Bay/Beacon Hill

Friends of the Brighton Branch of the Boston Public Library

Organization Address: 40 Academy Hill Road, Brighton, MA 02135

Grant: $14,800

Project Type: Public Art

Description: Installation of a permanent public art scupture at the library’s front entrance

Neighborhood: Brighton

The Eliot School of Fine and Applied Arts

Organization Address: 24 Eliot Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130

Grant: $25,000

Project Type: Restoration

Description: Repair and preservation of the school house cupola

Neighborhood: Jamaica Plain

Edgar Allan Poe Foundation of Boston, Inc.

Organization Address: 41 Cummings Road, Boston, MA 02135

Grant: $20,000

Project Type: Public Art

Description: Bronze Poe sculpture at the intersection of Charles and Boylston streets

Neighborhood: Downtown Boston

The Bostonian Society

Organization Address: 206 Washington Street, Boston, MA 02109

Grant: $15,000

Project Type: Restoration

Description: Restoration and preservation of the east balcony of the Old State House

Neighborhood: Downtown Boston



Paul Revere Memorial Association

Organization Address: 19 North Square, Boston, MA 02113

Grant: $28,500

Project Type: Restoration

Description: Restoration of the original interior stairways of 5 and 6 Lathrop Place

Neighborhood: North End

Cathedral Church of St. Paul

Organization Address: 138 Tremont Street, Boston, MA 02111

Grant: $90,000

Project Type: Public Art

Description: Fabrication of the pediment art project

Neighborhood: Downtown


United South End Settlements

Organization Address: 566 Columbus Avenue, Boston, MA 02118

Grant: $86,000

Project Type: Restoration

Description: Restoration of a wall and gate (reconsideration)

Neighborhood: South End

Theodore Parker UU Church

Organization Address: Boston, MA 02108

Grant: $15,000

Project Type: Restoration

Description: Restoration of entry doors

Neighborhood: West Roxbury

Old South Church

Organization Address: Boston, MA 02108

Grant: $50,000

Project Type: Restoration

Description: Restoration of stained glass windows

Neighborhood: Back Bay/Beacon Hill

Medicine Wheel Productions

Organization Address: 110 K Street, South Boston, MA 02127

Grant: $5,000

Project Type: Outdoor Space

Description: Materials for “Accessible Path” (reconsideration)

Neighborhood: South Boston

Historic Boston Incorporated

Organization Address: 20 Eustis Street, Boston, MA 02109

Grant: $200,000

Project Type: Restoration

Description: Restoration of the Alvah Kitteredge House

Neighborhood: Roxbury

First Church Boston

Organization Address: Boston, MA 02108

Grant: $50,000

Project Type: Restoration

Description: Restoration of the steeple tower

Neighborhood: Back Bay/Beacon Hill

Ayer Mansion

Organization Address: 395 Commonwealth Ave, Boston MA 02215

Grant: $45,000

Project Type: Restoration

Description: Restoration of the Tiffany balcony mosaics

Neighborhood: Back Bay/Beacon Hill



St. John’s Church

Organization Address: Roanoke Avenue and Revere Street, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130

Grant: $75,000

Project Type: Restoration

Description: Restoration of buttresses and repair and repoint masonry

Neighborhood: Jamaica Plain

The Paul Revere Memorial Association

Organization Address: 19 North Square, Boston, MA 02113

Grant: $38,037

Project Type: Restoration

Description: Restoration of front door and two sash windows of 5-6 Lathrop Place

Neighborhood: North End

Historic New England

Organization Address: 141 Cambridge Street, Boston, MA 02114

Grant: $44,000

Project Type: Restoration

Description: Restoration of the exterior components of the Pierce House

Neighborhood: Dorchester

First Parish Church

Organization Address: Boston, MA 02108

Grant: $100,000

Project Type: Restoration

Description: Restoration of the exterior

Neighborhood: Dorchester

First Baptist Church

Organization Address: 90 Mt. Vernon Street, Winchester, MA 01890

Grant: $47,000

Project Type: Outdoor Space

Description: Tree and shrub plantings, exterior lighting, and irrigation

Neighborhood: Jamaica Plain

Ellis Memorial & Eldredge House, Inc.

Organization Address: 58 Berkeley Street, Boston. MA 02116

Grant: $104,000

Project Type: Restoration

Description: Restoration of the exterior at 58 Berkeley Street and the cast stone balustrades

Neighborhood: South End

Dorchester Park Association

Organization Address: Boston, MA 02108

Grant: $550

Project Type: Outdoor Space

Description: Plantings in Dorchester Park

Neighborhood: Dorchester

The Crispus Attucks Children’s Center

Organization Address: 105 Crawford Street, Dorchester, MA 02121

Grant: $71,715

Project Type: Outdoor Space

Description: Lighting and a fence at the playground

Neighborhood: Roxbury

Church of the Covenant

Organization Address: 67 Newbury Street, Boston, MA 02116

Grant: $73,000

Project Type: Restoration

Description: Restoration of the main entrance, parapet, and copper roof

Neighborhood: Back Bay/Beacon Hill

Boston Parks & Recreation Department

Organization Address: 1010 Massachusetts Avenue, Boston, MA 02118

Grant: $45,000

Project Type: Restoration

Description: Eliot Burying Ground monument conservation

Neighborhood: Roxbury



Theodore Parker UU Church

Organization Address: Boston, MA 02108

Grant: $96,000

Project Type: Restoration

Description: Restoration of stained glass windows ($48,000 for the Parables window and $48,000 for the Ministry of Music window)

Neighborhood: West Roxbury

Ruggles Baptist Church

Organization Address: Boston, MA 02108

Grant: $27,000

Project Type: Restoration

Description: Repair and preservation of the clock face

Neighborhood: Fenway

Refuge Church of Christ

Organization Address: 46 Millmont Street, Boston, MA 02119

Grant: $125,000

Project Type: Restoration

Description: Rebuilding the wall and cornice and replace missing soldier courses

Neighborhood: Roxbury

Patrick Lyndon Pilot School

Organization Address: Boston, MA 02108

Grant: $25,000

Project Type: Public Art

Description: Site preparation, foundation, and pedestal of the Albert Einstein public sculpture

Neighborhood: West Roxbury

Neck Art Project

Organization Address: c/o Ann McQueen 1200 Washington Street #321, Boston, MA 02118

Grant: $50,000

Project Type: Public Art

Description: Redesigned project for the Landwave installation in Peters Park (project funds from state were retracted for project originally funded in 2007, so project was redesigned to fit a smaller budget)

Neighborhood: South End

Historic Boston Incorporated

Organization Address: 20 Eustis Street, Boston, MA 02109

Grant: $100,000

Project Type: Restoration

Description: Repair and preservation of the exterior decorative elements of the Eustice Street Fire House

Neighborhood: Roxbury

Highland Park Neighborhood Association

Organization Address: Boston, MA 02108

Grant: $100,000

Project Type: Outdoor Space

Description: Restoration of Alva Kittredge Park

Neighborhood: Roxbury



Nuestra Comunidad Development Corporation

Organization Address: 56 Warren Street Suite 200, Roxbury, MA 02119

Grant: $50,000

Project Type: Restoration

Description: Replacement of a brownstone cornice at 35 West Newton Street

Neighborhood: South End

Emerson College

Organization Address: 120 Boylston Street, Boston, MA 02116

Grant: $56,000

Project Type: Restoration

Description: Restoration of the doors and ticket booth at the Paramount Theatre

Neighborhood: Dorchester

Eliot Congregational Church

Organization Address: Boston, MA 02108

Grant: $50,000

Project Type: Restoration

Description: Slate roof and dormers

Neighborhood: Roxbury



St. Peter’s Church

Organization Address: Boston, MA 02108

Grant: $40,000

Project Type: Restoration

Description: Restoration of a stained glass window

Neighborhood: Dorchester

Nichols House Museum

Organization Address: 55 Mount Vernon Street, Boston, MA 02108

Grant: $23,500

Project Type: Outdoor Space

Description: Resoration of the granite wall and stairs of the front garden

Neighborhood: Back Bay/Beacon Hill

Neck Art Project

Organization Address: c/o Ann McQueen 1200 Washington Street #321, Boston 02118

Grant: $40,000

Project Type: Public Art

Description: Artist&rsquols fee for the Landwave installation in Peters Park

Neighborhood: South End

Light Boston, Inc.

Organization Address: 66 Charles Street, Boston, MA 02114

Grant: $20,000

Project Type: Public Art

Description: Illumination of the Old South Meeting House

Neighborhood: Downtown Boston

Historic New England

Organization Address: 141 Cambridge Street, Boston, MA 02114

Grant: $25,000

Project Type: Restoration

Description: Window restoration


Charlestown Preservation Society

Organization Address: Boston, MA 02108

Grant: $30,000

Project Type: Restoration

Description: Conservation of the Civil War Monument in Winthrop Square

Neighborhood: Charlestown

Boston Center for Jewish Heritage

Organization Address: Boston, MA 02108

Grant: $25,000

Project Type: Restoration

Description: Restoration of the Vilna Shul’s iron gate

Neighborhood: West End



Eustis Street Fire House | link to Preservation Projects


Reading Garden | link to Outdoor Space Projects


Wings of the Imagination sculpture | link to Public Art Projects


Harriet Tubman Sculpture and Park | link to Special Projects